Is Cow Manure Good for Chilli Plants – How?

With increasing use of chemical fertilizers, there is a demand for organic food products all over the world.

Studies are carried out to check the impact of using natural fertilizers like cow manure to grow chilli plants.

Research states that increasing dosage of composed cow or buffalo manure can promote production of chilli plants.

Based on the research, we can conclude that cow manure is good for chilli plants. But, you must use composed manure; fresh manure often has pathogen and attracts bacterial infestation.

Adding cow manure to chilli plants can improve soil structure, its tilth and organic matter.

However, use of fresh cow manure is restricted in growing season. As the pathogens in fresh cow manure can spread infestation and higher concentration of nitrogen can damage newly formed roots.

You can use fresh manure in your vegetable garden on one condition; you must apply it to growing soil months before planting chilli plant. By course of this time, it undergoes decomposition and pathogen including other bacteria will be killed.

Note: Fresh cow dung has high levels of ammonia that can burn your vegetable plant roots.

Is Cow Manure Good for Chilli Plants? – Benefits and Nutrients

Many agree that use of composed manure is very beneficial for the yield.

But, as a gardener you must know what are the macro and micronutrients housed in cow manure.

NPK percent in Cow Manure

Cow manure contains nutrients like 3 percent of nitrogen, 2 percent of phosphorus and 1 percent of potassium.

These are essential macronutrients that a plant needs to form its foliage, develop root system and to produce yield.

Other nutrients in manure

Sulphur, magnesium, calcium and other micronutrients are available in cattle manure.

Cow Manure after Composting

When manure undergoes decomposition, it improves soil organic matter and improves overall soil quality.

  • Application of cow manure improves water retention ability of your growing soil.
  • It avoids soil erosion.
  • Enzyme activity can be improved by applying cow manure.
  • Beneficial bacteria residing in manure helps to break down dry leaves and contribute in increasing organic matter of soil.

Also Read: How often should I water chilli plants?

How to Use Cow Manure for Chilli Plants?

You can use cattle manure to fertilize your chilli plants in two ways.

  1. Use composed cow manure. (Recommended)
  2. Apply fresh cow manure in your vegetable garden before few months of planting chilli plants.

Leave cow manure to compost, so harmful pathogens are killed.

When to Apply Cow Manure for Chilli Plant?

Apply composed manure around the base of chilli plant and cover it with a thin layer of growing soil.

Water generously.

Macronutrients and micronutrients residing in this manure will be released to growing soil.

As the time passes, cattle manure increase organic matter of soil and improves its soil structure as mentioned above.

How Often Should I Use Cow Manure for Chilli Plant?

Apply composed cow manure in spring or summer. This will allow the chilli plant to utilize nutrients in this fertilizer and thrive to produce better yield.

Repeated use of cow manure will boost chilli plant growth rapidly, but being a vegetable crop it must be effective in yielding.

So, limit use of manure to once during growing stage. When the plant reaches certain height, limit use of nitrogen rich fertilizers and use phosphorus and potassium rich fertilizers.

A balanced fertilizer can help the plant in all aspects.

Note: Fertilizing needs of plant will be different at different growing stages. Check this article on fertilizing chilli plants to learn in detail.

How to Compost Cow Manure at Home?

You can get composed cow manure after 20 days.

During this period, cow dung under goes decomposition process that kills pathogens and removes harmful ammonia.

  • Take dry cow dung cakes and soak it in a tub of water for about 24-48 hours.
  • Strain the liquid and collect it in a container. You can also use this liquid fertilizer once in a month to enrich your garden.
  • Now, break soaked cow dung, add old garden soil and some composed cow manure.
  • Mix thoroughly and add some water.
  • Cover the container with a lid and mix the compost after every couple of days.
  • After 20 days, your composed cow manure will be ready.

Note: Use this cow manure once in a month. Excess use can impact the yield.

Also Read: Why My Chilli Flowers Dropping Off?

Fresh Manure – Why you shouldn’t use it?

As mentioned already, fresh manure has high levels of ammonia that could damage chilli plant roots.

Also, pathogen and harmful bacteria residing in cow dung can pass disease prone yield to your family.

Growing soil can’t absorb nutrients available in cow manure without decomposition.

If you want to direct use fresh manure to your vegetable garden, then add cow dung to your garden few months before planting.

By the time you plant germinated chilli seeds, decomposition occurs and growing soil can easily absorb macronutrients present in the manure.

Note: Don’t rely on cow manure to fertilize your chilli plant. Use a balanced fertilizer to improve crop yield.

As mentioned, chilli plant needs different nutrients at different growing stages.

In initial weeks, high levels of nitrogen help the plant to grow and develop foliage.

After 4 weeks, phosphorus and potassium nutrients contribute in strengthening root system, formation of blossoms and to produce quality yield.

So, using cow manure in initial days will help the chilli plant, as it is high in nitrogen.

Also Read: What Vegetables to Grow All Year Round?


Homemade organic fertilizers contribute in producing delicious and quality yield.

Manure is one such fertilizer that can benefit your vegetable plants.

Though, cow manure is good for chilli plants, fresh cow dung can attract bacterial infestation.

Instead, gardening experts recommend using composed cow manure. It is rich in macronutrients and also contains other beneficial micronutrients.

Use composed cow manure once in a month.

Its application will improve soil structure, increase organic matter of the soil and water retention ability.

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