Gardening is a fun activity until it comes to taking care of the specifications of each plant.
After all, we all know the basics to growing plants, right? Adequate water and good amount of sunlight. But, is that all? It is not as simple as that. All plants differ from one other in the way they grow and the ingredients they need throughout their growth process.
Similar is the case with green onions. You might know that water and sunlight is what it needs to survive but how much and how often to water green onions are the questions. If you are faced with a similar doubt, we have got your back! The following article is all about watering green onions and taking care of them. So, without any further ado, let us dive into the journey!
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How Often Should You Water My Green Onions?
The importance of moisture and an adequate quantity of water for growing green onions and keeping them happy cannot be stressed enough.
Now, answering the million dollar question, there is no fixed quantity of water that is required by green onions to grow and thrive. With genuine years of experience, one gets comfortable with the watering process of green onions.
However, we have brought to your screens some of the best tips as to how often and how much you should water your green onions to get the best out of them.
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- Watering green onions is different from the rest of your plants because if not taken care of, overwatering green onions can lead to root rot and diseased plants.
- There are a lot of ways in which you can provide water to your green onions. Some of these methods include furrow irrigation, drip tape, and overhead watering. While drip tape irrigation is something that is largely preferred by many people, furrow and overhead watering has its own set of advantages. A large part of choosing the methods depends on where you live, how many green onions are you growing, and how much water is available with you.
- One should never water green onions according to a fixed schedule. One thing, it never works and second, it leads to the plants getting destroyed untimely. Watering green onions should be a rare phenomenon.
- Nonetheless, it should be very thoroughly done. This is because it helps the plants store water for longer periods of time, thus saving you from committing the crime of underwatering green onions.
- To avoid extreme watering conditions, consider applying moisture to about 1 inch of your soil. This way, you always stay on a safer side while saving yourself from loads of energy and time.
- If you face difficulty in telling when the right time to water is, use the finger test or knuckle rule to know when to water your green onion plant. Insert your finger in about 1 inch depth of soil. If your finger comes out dry, it indicates that your plant needs water. On the contrary, if the soil feels sticky on your finger on your knuckle, keep the water away from your plant for another week.
- Depending on the rainfall that your area receives, you should water your plant by upto 1 inch of soil once or twice a week. Remember that the intensity of rainfall that your area receives plays a major role. To measure the level of water that the soil of your plant has, install a measuring device and get a better idea.
- Watering your plant frequently (more than twice a week) can lead to issues like root rot and overwatering.
- If you do not want to conduct a finger or knuckle test to check the water levels of your soil, you can instead have a look at the colour of the bed of your green onion soil. If it is darker than usual, it means that your soil bed has ample water and doesn’t require more. However, if there are any visible cracks with an orchid colour, install a drip irrigation system and start moisturizing the base of your soil.
- To avoid leaching of your green onion yields, it is suggested to use a furrow irrigation system as it allows your plant to soak up all the moisture and water made available in a steady and thorough manner. It also helps you identify early signs of disease, so you can terminate the furrow irrigation method at an earlier stage and avoid the destruction.
- If you are growing your green onions plants indoors, you can conveniently change your water schedule by a week or two, since indoor plants require less water than outdoor plants for many unstated reasons.
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How to Grow Green Onions: Some Pro Tips
No plant survives and does well with the mere requirement of watering. For their overall growth, it is important that you bestow your green onion yield with expert and easy tips. Here are some of the most effective of them:
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- Green onions do not complain much when it comes to providing ample sunlight. However, on an average, they require at least six hours of direct sunlight each day to grow and bring out their maximum potential. If you cannot account for direct sunlight on most parts of the day, you can make an arrangement of artificial light settings to replicate the surroundings.
- Potting mixture or soil with sharp drainage properties are preferred while growing green onions. Sandy loam soil fulfils this criteria and also gives the much needed nutrient composition to your plant for a healthy growth outcome. Additionally, organic matter like compost can also be added to compliment the rich properties of your soil.
- The temperature and humidity demanded by green onions changes from soil temperature to the general temperature of the environment. While it prefers an overall warm temperature, it thrives in temperatures ranging from 68 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. The soil temperature on the other hand is considered to be the best when it is around 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Germination periods demand warmer and more humid temperatures.
- Go for a fertilizer with a balanced NPK ratio. Preferably, the one with a 20-20-20 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium respectively. If you have trouble finding an evenly balanced fertilizer, the one with high nitrogen levels would also do wonders.
- Know when the growth of green onions has reached its plateau and set a goal for why you are growing it. Most people want to get the taste of home-grown vegetables, and if you are one of them, make sure to consume the yield before flowers start to sprout. They can interfere with the taste and general nutrient composition of the plant.
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Talk about something that gives the savoury taste of onion without giving you the trouble of weeks of growing in the garden, and green onion is the name that pops up in our heads. With a fairly small root system, green onions often give less trouble during their growth process.
While doubts revolving around the watering requirements of green onions keep surfacing the minds of gardening enthusiasts, our watering and general care tips for green onions will help you deal with a lot of green onion troubles easily and in less time.