How Long Does it Take for Kale to Grow?

It is also incredibly good for skin and hair. Rich in vitamins A, C, and K and potassium, manganese, iron, and copper, the leafy vegetable is very delicious.

It may be cooked, boiled, or eaten fresh in salads or sandwiches. Kale enhances rich tastes like garlic, chillies, onions, and thyme. Kale is a cool-weather crop. Although it may also be cultivated in summers, it needs a lot of shade and care. Moreover, the winter produce is sweeter in flavour.

Depending on the variety you choose, it takes 70-95 days to grow kale to harvest. The days may reduce if you choose to transplanted kale plant.

Know Your Plant – Kale

The mustard family’s loose-leafed food plant kale (Brassica oleracea, variation acephala) (Brassicaceae). Kale is primarily cultivated for its fall and winter harvests when the cold weather enhances the nutritional value and flavor of the leafy green.

Kale’s resilience makes it possible to harvest fresh greens even after most other fresh vegetables have gone out of season. Vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, and vitamin B6 are all found in the leaves, consumed fresh or cooked.

The leaves of the kale plant are long and wavy to frilled, forming a rosette. Although the foliage is normally blue-green, the variation might have pale green, crimson, or purple leaves. Longer growing seasons allow the main stem to grow up to 60 cm (24 inches). 

Cutting the whole rosette before the stem elongates or gradually removing the lower leaves as the main stem elongates (particularly in places with lengthy, chilly growth seasons) is an option.

Although kale is often planted annually, it is a biennial plant that blooms in loose clusters in the second year with yellow four-petal flowers. The fruits are siliques, which are dry capsules.

How Long Does it Take for Kale to Grow?

Depending on how they are produced, most kale cultivars are available for harvest between 70 and 95 days after direct sowing and 55 to 75 days after transplanting, respectively. Whenever the leaves have reached about the size of your hand, it is time to harvest them.

Picking Baby Kale

But collecting baby kale takes less time than harvesting full-sized kale does. Baby kale leaves may be harvested 25 days after the seeds are planted. When the plants reach a height of 4 inches, the baby kale is ready to be harvested and eaten.

You can easily choose baby kale since it’s so little. Cut the stems of the little plants using a sharp knife or pair of scissors. The leaves will sprout if you leave around 2 inches of stem on each plant.

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Types Of Kale You Can Grow

Kale has a wide variety of cultivars that may be grown. For the most part, curly-leaf cultivars last longer in the winter. The flat-leaf kind is more established than the curly. Here are a few different kinds to get you started.

  • Lacinato: This is a Tuscan heritage kale with a puckered texture. Tuscan or dinosaur kale are other names for this kind of kale. In the event of a blizzard, its thick leaves are sturdy enough to be picked.
  • Hanover Salad: When it comes to growing and producing, this cultivar is a powerhouse. Raw in salads, it has a distinctive flavour.
  • Redbor: There are curly-edged magenta leaves on this variety. It has a delicate taste and a crisp texture.
  • Russian red: The leaves are soft and silky, with purple veins and margins, in this type. Kale of this kind is known for its sweetness.
  • Vates: This bluish-green, curly, dwarf kale can withstand both heat and cold. Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch kale is the ancestor of this dish. This variety is ready to harvest after 55 days.

Planting Kale

When to Plant?

  1. Sow seeds directly in the ground as soon as the soil is workable in the spring for a harvest in the early months of the year—direct-sow seeds approximately three months before your first autumn frost date for a winter or fall crop.
  2. You may sow young kale plants 3 to 5 weeks before the final day of spring frost in early spring. Cover young plants at night if temperatures are expected to fall below freezing.
  3. Young kale seedlings may be planted 6-8 weeks before the first autumn frost for a fall crop. Kale can survive temperatures as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit and as high as 28 degrees Fahrenheit without suffering any harm.
  4. Kale may also be cultivated in warm winter areas including the Southwest, Pacific Northwest, and Southeast undercover or outdoors. They’ll continue to grow and produce throughout the winter. The cooperative extension service in your area can help you decide whether or not to grow winter veggies.

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Where to Grow Kale?

Containers, garden soil, and raised gardens are good places to grow kale. Kale may be grown indoors with proper illumination. The ideal soil is rich in organic matter and has adequate drainage. The pH range for this solution is between 5.5 and 6.8. Although they like full sun, you may plant them in partial shade if the climate is too hot. Kales should not be too near to taller plants that will block their light.

Starting Kale Seeds

Kales, which thrive in the sun, may become woody and bitter if they get too many rays. They are ideally suited to chilly climates, where they can preserve their flavour. As early as 6 weeks before the last frost, you may start your seeds inside and have them ready for the summer heat by spring.

Kale grown from seeds takes between 55 and 75 days to mature, while transplants may be harvested in 30 to 40 days. A minimum of six to eight weeks before the first forecasted frost is required to sow your crop for winter harvest. Even in the dead of winter, you may still get the benefits of this crop.

How long does it take for Kale Seeds to germinate?

The time it takes for kale seedlings to germinate may surprise you. As soon as two to four days after sowing, kale seeds usually sprout. There are certain seeds that may take longer to germinate than others.

Kale seeds germinate quickly, making this lush vegetable an instant hit. Even our little girls like kale in their salads or smoothies. Yum!

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How to Germinate Kale Seeds?

  • Put some potting soil in a small flower pot, egg carton, or container of your choice.
  • Sprinkle a few kale seeds over the dirt. Once they’re established, you may divide or thin them out. Repeat this process for as many plants as you choose to cultivate.’
  • Kale seeds should be sunk about 1/4-inch into the soil.
  • To moisten the soil, use a spray bottle filled with ordinary water.
  • Spray the soil as required each day to keep it wet.
  • If you have access to grow lights, place seed trays, egg cartons, or pots beneath the lights.
  • Keep an eye out for indications of development, and make sure your plants are getting the water and light they need regularly!

How to Germinate Kale Seeds Outdoors?

  • It’s as simple as planting a few seeds three inches apart in your current garden soil.
  • The seeds should be buried between a quarter and a half-inch below the soil’s surface.
  • Wait for the water to boil!
  • Keep an eye out for sprouts and water your seeds often to keep the soil wet.
  • Tweak or move seedlings when they are around four to five inches tall.

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Planting and Growing Kale at Home

Numerous kale (Brassica oleracea) cultivars exist, the most popular of which are Red Russian, Lacinato, and Hanover Salad types. The fundamental requirements for caring for various types of kale are the same for all of them.

#1 Season

Biennial kale requires two growing seasons to complete its life cycle. Kale is a good example of this. If you’re going to grow kale, it’s best to do it annually and harvest it at its peak after the first year. It is possible to grow kale in cold weather, and a mild frost will make kale leaves softer and sweeter. 

Kale will get bitter in the middle or late summer if it’s too hot.

Kale can’t withstand freezing temperatures or snow without a cold frame. Kale thrives at a temperature range of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. In most regions, kale flourishes from the beginning of spring to summer.

#2 Soil

Kale thrives on nutrient-rich soil that is also acidic in pH. Mulch is a great way to maintain the temperature of the soil at a more manageable level. The growing season is ideal for incorporating compost or other organic matter into your soil.

#3 Pests

Aphids, flea beetles, and cabbage worms are just a few of the many pests that may attack your kale plants. Use row covers to keep pests away from your kale, then remove worms from the leaves by hand. Keep an eye out for black dots on your kale, which might indicate an aphid infestation. As an insect repellent, sage is a suitable companion plant for kalé.

#4 Light

Kale plants may tolerate both full sun and moderate shade. Depending on the temperature, kale plants need different amounts of sunshine. Partial shade is good when the temperature is hot, and the humidity is low. Kale plants thrive in full sunshine if the weather is moderate.

#5 Water

Your kale plants will thrive if you give them lots of water. Sweet and soft leaves are the result of soil that is well-watered. If you’re growing kale in a hot, dry region, you’ll want to use a mulch to assist the soil to retain moisture.

Important Tips to Increase Kale Harvest

  • Most kale cultivars are ready for harvest between 70-95 days of direct seeding and 55-75 days of transplanting, depending on how they are grown.
  • It’s time to harvest when the leaves are around the size of your hand. It is possible to remove the stems from the crown.
  • Start with the largest leaves first. Your harvest season and yield will be extended as a result of this.
  • Harvest the leaves as soon as they begin to turn brown. A surplus of leaves may be composted or given away to neighbours and friends if you don’t utilise it all yourself.
  • Kale keeps well for a week in the fridge in a plastic bag.
  • The fragile leaves may be eaten raw in salads, smoothies, or cooked according to preference.


Kale is a strong source of vitamins A, C, and K. It is also high in fibre. Even one cup of kale has more vitamin A and K than the average person needs in 24 hours! Kale contains antioxidants that are beneficial to one’s overall health and well-being. It is similar in appearance to cabbage and has a ruffled texture.

Kale has a wide range of nutrients that may be beneficial in preventing a wide range of health problems, including cancer. Antioxidants help the body remove toxins created by natural processes as well as external stresses such as pollution and pollution, among other things.

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